
We follow the NCERT curriculum under the instructions provided by National Education Policy 2020

The New EducationPolicy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training. Our school had most of the policy being implemented from its inception except the change in the structural model of “5+3+3+4”

The “10 + 2” structure will be replaced with the “5+3+3+4” model. This will be implemented as follows:

Foundational Stage: This is further subdivided into two parts: 3 years of preschool followed by classes 1 and 2 in primary school. This will cover children of ages 3-8 years. The focus of studies will be on activity-based learning.

Preparatory Stage: Classes 3 to 5, which will cover the ages of 8-11 years. It will gradually introduce subjects like speaking, reading, writing, physical education, languages, art, science, and mathematics.

Middle Stage: Classes 6 to 8, covering children between ages 11 and 14. It will introduce students to the more abstract concepts in subjects of mathematics, sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Secondary Stage: Classes 9 to 12, covering the ages of 14-19 years. It is again subdivided into two parts: classes 9 and 10 cover the first phase while classes 11 and 12 covering the second phase. These 4 years of study are intended to inculcate multidisciplinary study, coupled with the depth and critical thinking. Multiple options of subjects will be provided.

Experiential learning and blended learning are emphasized to impart curriculum in our institution. We aim at reducing the curriculum load of students and allowing them to be more “inter-disciplinary” and “multi-lingual”. For example, “If a student wants to pursue fashion studies with physics, or if one wants to learn bakery with chemistry, they’ll be allowed to do so.

Report cards will be “holistic”, offering information about the student’s skills.          

We follow the NCERT curriculum under the instructions provided by National Education Policy 2020

The New EducationPolicy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training. Our school had most of the policy being implemented from its inception except the change in the structural model of “5+3+3+4”

The “10 + 2” structure will be replaced with the “5+3+3+4” model. This will be implemented as follows:

Foundational Stage: This is further subdivided into two parts: 3 years of preschool followed by classes 1 and 2 in primary school. This will cover children of ages 3-8 years. The focus of studies will be on activity-based learning.

Preparatory Stage: Classes 3 to 5, which will cover the ages of 8-11 years. It will gradually introduce subjects like speaking, reading, writing, physical education, languages, art, science, and mathematics.

Middle Stage: Classes 6 to 8, covering children between ages 11 and 14. It will introduce students to the more abstract concepts in subjects of mathematics, sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Secondary Stage: Classes 9 to 12, covering the ages of 14-19 years. It is again subdivided into two parts: classes 9 and 10 cover the first phase while classes 11 and 12 covering the second phase. These 4 years of study are intended to inculcate multidisciplinary study, coupled with the depth and critical thinking. Multiple options of subjects will be provided.

Experiential learning and blended learning are emphasized to impart curriculum in our institution. We aim at reducing the curriculum load of students and allowing them to be more “inter-disciplinary” and “multi-lingual”. For example, “If a student wants to pursue fashion studies with physics, or if one wants to learn bakery with chemistry, they’ll be allowed to do so.

Report cards will be “holistic”, offering information about the student’s skills.          

Our Teaching & Learning Process

Our outstanding record of academic excellence is the culmination of a personalized approach to learning that challenges thinking, grows knowledge, develops meaningful relationships, and inspires leadership in all students.

While we teach conceptual knowledge and understanding, it is not enough to ‘know. We want our children to have insight – to influence others, to show empathy, and make a humane difference in the world.

Founders of Orchids have always considered education as a way of living. We believe that education is the art of human learning, a venture involving creativity, imagination, and discovery with a focus on developing individual character, spiritual depth, discipline, and resilience in our students. There is no single recipe to drive this vision other than an acute awareness of our changing world and heightened sensitivity to real-world issues, contexts, and challenges.

We believe that some of the most important yet hard-to-measure outcomes of education are the essence of a meaningful life. So we place the principles of humanity – empathy, truth, justice, integrity, and human rights – at the very center of our curriculum design.

Excellence is not an exclusive club at the Pandit’s Orchids and we recognize there is no single right way to achieve it. We use a variety of teaching styles tailored to students’ different needs to cultivate strong, attainable work standards and study ethics.

Starting with our Foundation Class from almost-four-year-old, our teachers nurture curiosity and a sense of wonderment in the world that continues through. With small class ratios in our Junior School for New Entrants and upwards, we teach a wide variety of specialist subjects through CBSE & Wonder Years Module teaches students analytical skills to enhance lifelong learning.

Annual Day Celebration

Annual day celebrations are the highlight of our school program. Awaited by students and appreciated highly by our parents our annual event is always theme-based.

As chief guests, a celebrity from cinema and theatre and an eminent administrator from the Public Service sector are invited. A special folk dance performance and a performance by our special children from Astha have always left our parent audience with goosebumps.

Parent’s Participation

Parent management committee meetings help us to resolve any concerns that parents have with regard to curricular and co-curricular activities. Parent teacher’s meetings held once in two months help us to strengthen our student’s performance.

Over the years our experience has witnessed the fact that students with parents who are involved in their school tend to have fewer behavioral problems and better academic performance. At an elementary level, the effect of parent’s involvement gives positive results at the secondary level of schooling. We expect the parents to involve not only in making their kids complete their homework but also in shaping their behavior by keeping regular contact with teachers and involving more with their wards school life. Parent involvement can monitor school and classroom activities, it also monitors teachers and positively affects teachers’ self-perception and job satisfaction.

At Orchids we have frequent parent-teacher meet going on along with regular visits from the parents. A parent management committee is formed with the objective of getting valuable feedback from parents to bring out the necessary changes in academic activities. We conduct parent orientation programs at the onset of the new academic year where we share our policies, curriculum practices, and approach to education. As we close the academic year, we send out a form to get feedback from parents on every aspect of our school’s functioning.

Sports Day

Sport and physical education are fundamental to the early development of children. The skills learned during play, physical education, and sports contribute to the holistic development of students. Through participation in sport and physical education, students learn about the importance of key values such as honesty, teamwork, fair play, respect for others, and adherence to rules. Our Physical We are highly committed to fitness and wellness. We emphasize drawing out the best sporting instincts in students and getting all children involved in physical activity. Cricket, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, and Table Tennis are played throughout the year along with athletic events and other indoor games. Sports day is an annual feature in our school which is most-awaited and is played with a high competitive spirit.

About us

The Orchids Public School is one of the top schools of Mysore which offers stress free, knowledge oriented, activity based Wonder Years Module (WYM) since day one. Our curriculum model is focused on inquiry which provides a powerful framework for teaching and learning and is reflected in the School's Mission Statement.

Contact us


82/2, Bogadi- Gaddige road, Kumarabeedu,
Mysuru- 570026, India

Phone: +91 821 2970060 ,
+91 9663850994



Vivekananda Rd,
I Block, Ramakrishnanagar,
Mysuru- 570026, India
phone: +91 821 2518697 , +91 9632335955

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