The day has come to bid adieu our bonding with Orchid. This may just be a school/college to many, but for a few parents like us, it was our own home. My son, was the cherry of my eyes when he was a toddler, and Orchid, as well was just out of the crib then. We just joined him to ensure he does not go too far from us, and it is okay to spend the first 2 KG years in a nearby school. The initial plan was to move him out to a GOOD SCHOOL for 1st standard, but the way my family and Orchid got connected, made the whole plan fade away, and it took very little time for us to realize that he indeed was in GOOD school. It has been nearly 14 years since then, and my son has grown more in the laps of Orchid than of his mother.
Its not just a school for us. You have guided us in every step. If my son has not fared well, it was our failure, and I do not have an iota of disrespect or doubt about your efforts. Yes, he could have really fared well had he not gone behind fame, but certain things happen beyond our control. You have equally nurtured his talents, along with acting responsibly, alerting us whenever he was moving South, and onus of his failure, if any, was totally ours. Had he not joined the hostel, his PUC results could have been still worse, and I thank you for making him reach at least a decent figure to talk of. More than a ranking student which every parents crave for, you have molded him as a good human, which itself is a great gift a parent can deserve.
We carry loads and loads of good memories associated with you; there are plenty to name. It is hard to name the teachers/mentors/guides in my son’s journey from LKG to PUC, to thank them individually by name since the list is long, but would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone and everything you have done as a school, as teachers, and as guides – we carry this respect, love, and pride of being associated with you, and we heartily wish you good luck in your feature endeavors, and we soon wish to see Orchid reach more heights. We request your continued support and blessings on my son, if not directly, at least in your prayers. May god be with you.
Thank you Orchid – we miss you very dearly, and we wish you all the best..!
S. Raghavendra Prasad – (Vishal’s father)
2nd PU (2019-20 Batch)